Privacy Policy
This site is intended to provide you with general information relating to Globe Aviation Malta and its associated companies, and the goods, services and products available from them. This online privacy policy discloses Globe Aviation Malta online information gathering practices and describes the usage of the information gathered on this website. By using this Site you agree to be bound by these conditions of use. You should not continue to use or access the Site if you do not agree to be bound by the following terms.
Unless specified to the contrary, the contents of this website and pages are protected by copyright and no part of them may be reproduced in any form or used in any other way except with Globe Aviation Malta prior written permission or in accordance with the next term set out below. You may print off or download the visible text on the site for personal non commercial purposes including but not limited to the structure, overall style and program code.
Whilst every care is taken to ensure that information provided by Globe Aviation Malta is as accurate as possible, we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Design, specifications and prices are subject to change without prior notice.